Published 03 November 2022

MOD’s Defence Electronics and Components Agency (DECA) will merge into Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S), the procurement arm of the UK MOD, from 1 April 2023, it has been announced.

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DECA is currently a MOD Executive Agency, delivering electronics and components, general engineering support capabilities, and maintenance, repair, overhaul and upgrade services across a range of defence systems and capabilities.

The merger decision was sparked by a UK Government Investments (UKGI) review which identified that DECA was a valuable strategic asset and that its capability should be grown to the benefit of defence and the UK taxpayer.

The merger is seen as advantageous for both organisations and the ownership model that will best drive DECA growth. Merger will help to secure the long-term future of DECA and advances MOD’s ambition to be the electronics, components and general engineering repair and support provider of choice across the defence enterprise. DE&S will benefit from easier access to DECA’s expert repair and maintenance capabilities, helping defence achieve greater financial savings through this increased utilisation.

Andy Start, CEO of DE&S, said:

“DECA provides a unique capability which helps to sustain defence systems that are critical in keeping our nation safe.

Merging DECA into DE&S enhances our ability to support to even more Air, Land and Naval Defence systems in future.”

DECA employs around 440 crown servants and operates primarily from MOD Sealand in North Wales together with a second operating base at MOD Stafford. Initially, the merger will not result in any significant changes to business operations.

Geraint Spearing, CE of DECA said:

“The decision to merge DECA into DE&S with the intent to grow, recognises the important contribution DECA makes to Defence, our wide-ranging capabilities and the critical support we provide to the UK Armed Forces.”

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