“I am proud of the diverse and inclusive population that I see throughout the MOD, both civilian and military.”

Patricia transitioned to female while working for the MOD.
It was not until I paraded with the MOD at London pride 2017 that I realised how much love and support there really is out there. I felt such a sense of being proud of who I am. The route was over a mile long, with crowds 5-10 deep cheering and clapping.
I have a great support network of colleagues, family and friends. I have gained far more friends and contacts since I transitioned to female. This transition took place during my employment with the MOD. I have had great encouragement from colleagues past and present, as well as management, stakeholders and the wider community across civilian and military. The MOD was and is very supportive to me and works hard at providing the right, inclusive environment for all.
I volunteer in the community, offering support and counselling in the LGBT community, it is good to be able to help to support others, inside and outside of work. I also sit as a magistrate in South Wales. I certainly know and have appreciated first-hand the benefits of a good support network.
I am a Senior Operations Manager based in Abbey Wood. There are great opportunities in the MOD, with an incredibly varied range of jobs. In 2017, I was the Service Delivery Manager for Food, it is hard to think of a bigger contrast in a finished product that I could manage. It indicates that if you can listen, deliver and demonstrate that you have the skills and potential there is a good job within the MOD for you.
I am proud of the diverse and inclusive population that I see throughout the MOD, both civilian and military. Sometimes as an individual you may have an internal dilemma, be it choosing piece of fruit or a slice of cake, knowing your next development move. You have a good network of colleagues here at the MOD. Managers who can guide your career, mentors to discuss options with and colleagues to support you. You are a great individual, who is part of a strong team, a team who are there for you.