DES& negotiate deal for ration packs to be donated to charities

Thousands of ration packs to be donated to charities

Published 15th February 2019.

Defence Equipment and Support negotiate deal with FareShare, who distribute food to nearly 10,000 UK charities

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DE&S have negotiated a deal that could see thousands of unused ration packs donated to charities over the next few years.

Under the plans, the military will provide operational ration packs to FareShare, who distribute food to nearly 10,000 UK charities, including community groups, homeless hostels and lunch groups for the elderly.

The ration packs are enough to sustain 10 soldiers for a 24-hour period and include items for breakfast, lunch and dinner, such as porridge, sausages, baked beans, pasta and rice.

The range of ingredients enables the preparation of nutritionally balanced meals and provides 4,000 calories to sustain an active person over a 24 hour period.

The deal has been put together by the Headquarters and Commissioning and Managing Organisation within the Logistic Delivery Operating Centre (LDOC) at DE&S, with support from the Front-Line Commands and Defence Logistics – a truly pan-Defence initiative.

“Ration packs help provide nutritionally balanced meals to our armed forces on operations around the world. But charity begins at home, and I’m pleased our partnership with FareShare will make sure no food goes to waste.”

The LDOC Deputy Chief of Staff, Squadron Leader Chris Metcalf, said: “A lot of people have put a great deal of effort into making this happen. Donating ration packs that Defence no longer requires to a charity such as FairShare should be simple to achieve but, as always, the devil is in the detail.”

“The response to this initiative from across Defence has been extremely positive and it’s good to know that people in need will benefit from this work.

The ration packs donated by the MOD will help the recipient charities save on food bills, allowing them to re-invest money into essential support programmes.

Around two million ration packs are used by the military every year, with less than one per cent of the MOD’s stock requiring disposal.

This scheme means that, when it becomes clear a batch of ration packs can’t be used, there is an opportunity to gift to those in need and ensure that any good food doesn’t go to waste.

Roger West, Director LCDOC at DE&S, said: “I am delighted to be able to provide support for this important issue and help in some way to tackle food poverty.”

“This solution will deliver food products where they are needed while also minimising waste. Our corporate social responsibility is important to us and we continue to explore ways to do more; this is the right thing do to.”

The operational ration pack provides a two-course breakfast, lunch and a three-course dinner, as well as a number of drinks – both hot and cold.

Once transferred from the MOD, FareShare will distribute them to their UK-wide charity network.

Minister for Defence People and Veterans, Tobias Ellwood, said: “Ration packs help provide nutritionally balanced meals to our armed forces on operations around the world. But charity begins at home, and I’m pleased our partnership with FareShare will make sure no food goes to waste.”

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By |2022-10-11T14:54:37+01:00February 15th, 2019|
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