DE&S signs £48 million Apache training contract

Silhouette of military helicopter with two people of the right with a red and blue sky
  • £48m contract will provide training for 700 Army personnel each year, including 50 pilots and 400 ground crew
  • Investment will support around 70 UK jobs
Published 28th June 2018.

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Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon today announced a six-year £48 million Apache helicopter training contract at the annual Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) Land Warfare Conference.

This investment in Apache air and ground crew will support around 70 jobs in Dorset, Hampshire and Suffolk with Aviation Training International Ltd (ATIL). Around 700 Army personnel will go through the training scheme per year, including around 50 pilots and 400 ground crew.

While addressing the challenges which face today’s armies, the Defence Secretary also announced new measures to meet global information and cyber threats by bolstering and reorganising the Army’s Royal Corps of Signals and Intelligence Corps.

“Our job at DE&S is to make sure our front line forces have the right equipment, training and support to enable them to deliver their challenging missions and tasks.”

Air Vice Marshal Graham Russell, DE&S Director Helicopters
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The Royal Signals will receive an additional regiment to enhance its cyber capabilities, so it can distribute information rapidly and effectively; while the Intelligence Corps will be organised to focus on counter-intelligence, security, and cultural understanding.


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By |2022-10-11T15:19:06+01:00June 29th, 2017|
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